mardi 28 octobre 2014

Collected Department Releases: Remarks with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Before Their Meeting

Remarks with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Before Their Meeting


John Kerry
Secretary of State

Ottawa, Canada

October 28, 2014

PRIME MINISTER HARPER: (Speaks in French.) So Mr. Secretary, I just want to welcome you. Of course, you would be welcomed to our country at any time. But today, obviously a sad day with the funeral of Corporal Cirillo, it is particularly welcome. It’s really a great show of solidarity on the part of our American neighbor. And we value this relationship at all times, but we particularly value (inaudible).

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, thank you. (Speaks in French.) We are very grateful to you. President Obama wanted me to convey to you on behalf of all of the American people our deepest condolences for the events of the last week, our great respect for the way in which Canada has expressed its solidarity with the world in standing up against terrorism. We appreciated your words, particularly, about not being intimidated. And the President and the American people wanted for us to come here and say we’re with you, we’re grateful for this extraordinary neighbor and great partnership. We thank you.


MODERATOR: Thank you, everyone.

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Source: Dept. Of State – Releases


Collected Department Releases: Remarks with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Before Their Meeting

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