jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Collected Department Releases: NGO Frequently Asked Questions on Concept Notes

NGO Frequently Asked Questions on Concept Notes

Fact Sheet

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration

January 29, 2015

NGO Frequently Asked Questions on Concept Notes

1. Why is PRM issuing calls for concept notes now?

The Bureau has decided to solicit concept notes during an initial first round of competition in a few pilot cases in FY 2015 (Middle East region, research, and innovation). Should the pilot be successful, PRM will continue the use of concept notes in FY 2016. PRM welcomes feedback on the concept note pilot (send to

2. How does the concept note process differ from the usual calls for proposals?

Concept note solicitation is a two-step process. Concept notes require full and open competition and must be posted on After reviewing concept notes, PRM will invite selected organizations to expand their submissions into full-length proposals with detailed budgets; however, this will not represent a commitment to fund the proposal. Selected organizations will have 30-60 calendar days after they are notified of their selection to complete their full proposals. PRM will then review the full proposals and make final selections for funding.

3. Is the application process the same as for full-length proposals?

Applicants must follow all existing requirements for NGO applicants on, including obtaining a DUNS number, a CAGE/NCAGE code, and submission by the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) of the applicant organization (see PRM’s General NGO Guidelines for details on the registration requirements).

As always, late applications will not be accepted.

Applicants who are selected to submit full proposals in a second round will need to do so in response to directed announcements that PRM will send through Applicants may wish to familiarize themselves with the GrantSolutions system in case they are selected for the second round.

First round, open competition → Apply through

Second round, limited competition → Apply through

4. What format should be used to develop concept notes?

Applicants must closely adhere to the formatting requirements in the solicitation.

In addition, concept notes must be no more than three pages long (excluding the budget summary), using Times New Roman, 12 point font, with one inch margins on all sides. There is no separate submission template – applicants may create their own documents as long as they include all information and conform to all formatting guidelines in the solicitation. A gender analysis is only required at the full-length proposal stage.

In general, concept notes must include the following categories:

a. Problem statement, description of target population, and vulnerability criteria used, if applicable

b. Project description, location, and duration

c. Proposed measurable outcomes and impact of the project

d. Summary of the organization and experience doing similar work

e. Primary and secondary organizational points of contact

Summary budgets must be attached to the concept notes and are not included in the three-page limit. Summary budgets must include:

a. Personnel allowances

b. Benefits

c. Travel

d. Program equipment

e. Supplies

f. Contractual

g. Construction

h. Other direct costs

i. Indirect costs

j. Total amount requested

Detailed budgets and budget narratives will be required at the full-length proposal stage.

5. How will concept notes be evaluated by PRM?

Once the call for concept notes closes, PRM will convene a panel to review all submissions received on time and in the correct format. Concept notes will be evaluated against the requirements in the solicitation and the following criteria:

  • Quality of program idea

  • Inclusion of vulnerable populations

  • Program feasibility/ability to achieve objectives

  • Organization’s experience and capacity

  • Cost effectiveness

Full-length proposals will be reviewed by a second panel using PRM’s standard NGO panel review procedures as detailed in PRM’s General NGO Guidelines.

6. Who is eligible to submit concept notes to PRM in response to calls?

Eligibility criteria will be detailed in each call for concept notes but, in general, eligible applicants are: (1) Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education; (2) Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education; and (3) International Organizations.

International multilateral organizations, such as United Nations agencies, should not submit concept notes through in response to Notices of Funding Opportunities. Multilateral organizations that are seeking funding should contact the PRM Program Officer listed in the announcement on or before the closing date to express their interest.

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Source: Dept. Of State – Releases


Collected Department Releases: NGO Frequently Asked Questions on Concept Notes

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