mardi 26 août 2014

Collected Department Releases: Central African Republic: Announcement of New Government

Central African Republic: Announcement of New Government

Press Statement

Jen Psaki
Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

August 26, 2014

The United States welcomes the announcement of the formation of a new transitional government in the Central African Republic. We call on all members of this newly appointed government to move forward quickly with the democratic transition process and to demonstrate by their actions that they govern in the interest of all Central Africans by including their voices in a broad-based, inclusive national dialogue. We likewise urge all Central Africans to partner with the transitional authorities, to stop all acts of violence, and to participate fully in the national dialogue.

We also call on the new transitional government to ensure that the democratic transition process is rooted in a broad-based national consultation with all of the Central African Republic’s people, including those who are internally displaced or who have fled to neighboring countries. The democratic transition process must respect the rights of all, take concrete steps to give Central Africans access to justice and accountability, and culminate in free and fair elections.

At this crucial time, the United States categorically rejects all actions and statements that would undermine the democratic transition process, or that would lead to further violence and instability in the Central African Republic. We categorically reject any challenges to the territorial integrity of the Central African Republic. We urge all parties to fully abide by and implement the terms of the July 2014 Brazzaville cessation of hostilities agreement, and to focus now on the hard work of national dialogue and consultation leading to a democratic political transition and elections.

The United States continues to stand with the people of the Central African Republic as they undertake this vital work to bring peace and security, justice, stability, and prosperity to their country.

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Source: Dept. Of State – Releases


Collected Department Releases: Central African Republic: Announcement of New Government

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